Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm Leaving You For The Pretty Girl Down The Street

I'll keep this blog up for historical purposes, but for future posts:



Oggi, Agagio

This morning it was steamy and raining and then it cooled off and drizzled, and apparently it’s supposed to get into the mid-eighties sometime this week, so I’ve decided to say the hell with trying to pick out proper clothing and wear the same thing day after day and deal with it. By Friday I’ll be reeking and disheveled, so… nothing new there.


In other news, not much occurring today. I’ve made a few orders, received in some orders, checked on some orders, and was told that my very important order that I placed yesterday early afternoon and requested that it be shipped overnight was just being put into a box and shipped to me today, because (love this) the factory that had the parts was closed. Before 3pm. Same time zone as me, but they were closed.


Exciting, no?



I’m nearly done listening to an audiobook by an author that I have respect for, but I hate this particular book. The best way I can explain the book is that it reminds me of the little introductory stories that some psychology textbooks use to start chapters, except it’s nearly four-hundred pages. It has taken me several weeks to get to where I am with this book because at least twice a cd there’s some dialogue or aside or explanation (this is a book that feels the need to explain a lot) that makes me punch the FM button in my car, roll my eyes, and curse myself for starting the damn thing. But I’m obsessive, so I have to finish.


The rain has stopped and the clouds have thinned to the point that the sun is coming through nicely. At twelve I’ll drive out to a nearby park and sit in my cluttered car and eat salad while listening to the audiobook, or music, or Rush Limbaugh, who I disagree with the majority of the time but whose pomposity and energy I find interesting, if at times repulsive.


If today was a song it would be spare, without strings.