Friday, July 17, 2009

Hurry Up!

Often I stumble upon some book that was written by someone younger than me, and I find myself feeling depressed at the state of my writing. It’s in those times that I find myself drifting around the internet, looking up hopeful information like this:

William Faulkner: first novel published at age 29

Anthony Burgess: first novel published at age 39

It’s an obsessive compulsion, like some of the other things I find myself doing. But it has a sort of calming effect on me. While I wouldn’t dream of comparing myself to Faulkner or Burgess (or Cormac McCarthy, first novel published at 32, or Don DeLillo, first novel published at 35), it helps me put things in perspective. Lately I have written a few short stories and several poems. I’m into the thirdish draft of my second novel (well, second novel where I actually got to the end – I’ve got a stack of fizzled fireworks tucked away somewhere), and the last thing I need to do is stress myself out over such a stupid thing as being an unpublished writer at the age of 27.

Reading Status: I finished reading “The House With A Clock In Its Walls” again. Just so damn good, and worth paying the library fines for. Tried to find a copy of the second book in the series at the library but it’s missing, so I got Anthony Burgess’s “Any Old Iron”. Looks interesting, and I’ve been meaning to read his stuff for years (aside from the impossible-to-avoid “A Clockwork Orange”).

Sorry for the boring state of this post, but it's been one of those weeks...

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